A truly breathtaking experience!

There are so many things I could comment on, innumerable focuses I could craft this review around. I could tell you about the richness of the world building, with the structure and equal struggles of society at large. I could tell you about the littlest details that make this book special, that bring you into the minds of Reina and Kaito. I could even lament the poetic flow of Britini’s writing, how it’s almost as though the words are being whispered and sung into your very psyche, to hold you and haunt you long after you’ve completed the book. 

I could even tell you how I only put this book down because I needed to sleep, only to pick it up again at my next opportunity. But in truth, what held me so captivated was the warmth and depth of her characters. Reina and Kaito comes through in such a way that you forget you’re reading. You forget that these people are fictional characters living in a world of one woman’s amazing creation. 

One thing I truly love is how the ending of this book leads you into the beginning of the next. It sets up the conflict and premise for the next installment in the series. I am not a fan of books that wrap themselves up in neat little bows at the end to be read independently of the series at large. I want a series that leads me from one story to the next, that builds upon the past and gives you a tease into the future, and this book does that perfectly. 

This book was, hands down, a perfect 5-star experience. I know that I will read this book again and again. 

If you love Mary Fan, Megan Blackwood, A.D. Winter, or Jessica Feyden, you will love this book!!

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